If you are searching for a place to learn about dental equipment, you’re in the right place. This is a review of five essential dental tools a dentist must have. They have different functions that help to make a dentist’s work easier.
A dental drill
Dentists use this tool to make holes through the tooth’s surface with a cavity. It can be used to shape a tooth or clean its surface. It is also used to drill a hole through a tooth affected by a tooth cavity.
A dental drill is a handheld tool with a head consisting of a rotating mechanism. This motion allows the drill to cut through the enamel and remove the tooth decay. Some drills also have a cooling system with a water spray. It also has a small light to illuminate the mouth during the procedure.
Dental probe
It is a dental tool used to see if the tooth is healthy by checking the teeth and gums. Dentists use this tool to measure the depth of the gums around the teeth. They can determine if the gums or the teeth are in good shape.
It is a hand tool with a sharp calibrated hook in millimetres. The hook measures the depth of the pocket, the part between the tooth and the gums. The deeper the distance in the pocket indicates a gum issue or tooth problem. The dental probe also helps dentists to diagnose a severe dental issue in its initial phase.
Dental scaler
It is another hand tool dentists use to remove plaque from teeth. It has a sharp hook at the end, while others have a straight sharp edge. There are different types of scalers to serve different teeth sizes and shapes.
Most dental scalers are sharp on both sides to ensure efficiency and comfort for the patient and the dentist. Dental scalers are only used on the teeth but not close to the gum, as they can cause physical trauma.
Dental mirror
These are small circular mirrors with a diameter of about 16-20 millimetres. They have a handle and allow the dentist to examine the places that are difficult to see. They also have a reflective surface to enable visibility of the back areas in the mouth.
Dental mirrors are small enough to manoeuvre inside the mouth of the patient. They are also the right size to ensure the dentist can examine the mouth at different angles.
Dental forceps
A dental forceps is a plier-like instrument that dentists use to grip the teeth. They are commonly used to remove damaged teeth from their roots. Dental forceps come in various shapes and sizes to allow ease during the extraction of different teeth.
Most dental forceps have a beak, a hinge and a handle. They are made from stainless steel to ensure a hard grip on the teeth.
Dental equipment is designed for dentists to access different types of teeth. Each of the dental tools serves a unique purpose in a Dental Clinic. The few listed above are the essential tools dentists use. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you need dental examinations or treatment.