Shipping is an important stage of every online business since it serves as the last link between your brand and the customer.
If your shipping leads to good customer satisfaction, it can have long-term benefits for your brand and business sales. So, properly investing enough resources and time in the shipping department can ensure customer retention and an excellent brand reputation.
However, several shipping mistakes can adversely affect your business if proper care is not taken to avoid them. To help you, here’s a list of do’s and don’ts of e-commerce shipping that can streamline your business for better results.

Do’s Of Shipping In An Online Business
1. Keep Shipping Rates Low
High shipping rates can intimidate customers from purchasing from your store. To compete against shopping sites like Amazon, you need to lower the standard delivery rates. However, keeping very low shipping rates on every order may not be financially feasible. So, you can offer free delivery on orders above a certain amount and give big discounts during festivals and promotions.
2. Utilise The Packaging
You should invest in your packaging so that it can carry even fragile items with no damage. Using big boxes for small products can waste money, so instead, use sustainable packaging with a good aesthetic. Besides, no one wants to open shabby packaging–a package with a unique colour palette, logo, and tagline can serve as a lucrative marketing tool.
3. Provide Shipment Tracking
Letting your customers know when they will receive what item is important to prevent any uncertainty or mistake in delivery. If they’re not present at the given address at the right time, you might have to ship it all over again.
Don’ts Of Shipping In An Online Business
1. Don’t Neglect Customer Service
You should maintain active and reciprocating customer service where customers share feedback and complain about bad shipping. If there’s no way to contact your business after the product delivery, there are very low chances of customer retention.
2. Don’t Charge For Returns
A customer may want to return a product if it’s damaged or it’s not what they want at that time. Therefore, the return process should be smooth and hassle-free to let them know that the business cares about their preferences. A fast return pick-up and refund service are also appreciated in an online business.
3. Don’t Give Unrealistic Delivery Estimates
Giving customers a fast delivery date but not being able to keep that promise can negatively impact your brand’s reputation. Be transparent about the required time for delivery and always communicate about delays.
Final Words
Running an online business that includes shipping can take time and effort. However, following the right steps and avoiding common mistakes can make your shipping efficient and your customers happy. Moreover, you should respect deadlines, utilise package marketing, and set up a good customer service helpline.
To ensure fast and seamless product shipping, consider contacting a trusted courier service to help you expand your online business.